How to Design a Meeting Agenda that Helps Create the Output (Deliverable) You...
Purpose To design a new meeting or workshop agenda that will effectively lead a group to its deliverable, use these steps. Following them will increase your meeting success. Before we begin, let us...
View ArticleDocumentor Support
Who are the Best Documentors? Many people are unsure what a documentor should do and what characteristics are needed for a good documentor. A good documentor should be easy to work with, willing to...
View ArticleHow to Structure the Introduction to Meetings and Workshops
Three Components Just as the life-cycle of a meeting or workshop has three steps (ie, Get Ready, Do It, and Review), we find that within each meeting, three components need to be carefully managed to...
View ArticleHow to Plan Appropriate Group Processes
The role of session leader (aka facilitator) is frequently filled by the same person who also provides the role of methodologist. Since there is usually more than one right answer (or methodology,...
View ArticleHow to Create and Sustain a Participatory Environment
The primary responsibility of a facilitator is to protect the participants. Secondarily, the facilitator helps drive the group toward its desired deliverable. Since the deliverable is built to serve...
View ArticleHow to Honor and Recognize Diversity, Ensuring Meeting and Workshop...
The primary responsibility of a facilitator is to protect the participants. Secondarily, the facilitator helps drive the group toward its desired deliverable. Since the deliverable is built to serve...
View ArticleFive Problems with Meetings and What to Do about Them
Ever develop that sense of deja vu about not getting anywhere during a meeting? Here’s what to do about it. 1. Lack of clear purpose All too frequently, meetings are held for the primary benefit of...
View ArticleFive Compelling Business or Organizational Reasons to Hold a Facilitated Session
Purpose The most important action most people take every day is to make choices, to decide. Productivity is amplified if decisions are properly made about when to work alone, speak with one other...
View ArticleHow to Facilitate Quick and Simple Prioritization Using a PowerBall Method
Purpose To help a group quickly and simply prioritize. Rationale Apply the Pareto Principle (aka 80-20 Rule) to help a group deselect and to eliminate as many options as possible so the group can stay...
View ArticleConsiderations on How to Facilitate between Europeans and Asians
Purpose An alumnus wrote about preparing for an executive workshop between Europeans and Asians between two different companies. The deliverable intends to capture a strategy document of their alliance...
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